Legionella Schematic Drawing
Legionella Schematic Drawing
Water system schematics
Legionella Risk Assessment
Legionella Schematic Drawing - Schematics - Water system schematics - Legionella Risk Assessment -
Legionella Schematic Drawings
Legionella Schematic Drawings are required by the HSE’s guidelines – HSG 274 Part 2 and should form an integral part of any prudent legionella risk management program.
In a legionella control context schematic drawings or simply “schematics” as they are often called are simplified but accurate diagrams that help to identify the configuration of a building services water systems, plant, equipment and components.
Legionella schematics should be easy to read without the need for specialist training or experience. Legionella schematic drawings should also include all temporary fittings are present within the water system. For instance, a temporary washing machine that is only intended to be installed for a short period of time should still be incorporated within the schematic as it will directly impact the water systems water quality if not managed correctly.
At C&M Water we are experts in the preparation of high quality schematic diagrams which can be provided in a variety of digital formats to be used to improve on-site risk management, safety engineering and document control procedures. However, if you have already had a legionella risk assessment or legionella monitoring carried out in the past, the chances are you have a legionella schematic drawing. At C&M Water we will therefore review any schematics that are available to ensure they are up to date and accurate as this can help keep costs down.
Why do I need a Legionella Schematic Drawing
Having a good schematic drawing will help you to assess risks and obtain monthly temperature points (sentinel points). This will enable our engineers to identify any potential problem areas that might require remedial works and water to disinfections to remove any bacteria present.

Carrying out a Legionella risk assessment
“As part of the risk assessment, take into account the individual nature of each site and consider the system as a whole and not, eg the cooling tower in isolation. In complex systems, a site survey of all the water systems should be carried out, including an asset register of all associated plant, pumps, strainers and other relevant items. This should include an up-to-date schematic diagram showing the layout of the plant or system, including parts temporarily out of use.”
Paragraph 38. Health & Safety Executive Approved Code of Practice and guidance L8 “Legionnaires’ disease. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems”
When and how often do I need a legionella schematic drawing?
There are a number of factors that may indicate that the Schematics should be reviewed, some of these are as follows:
A change to the water system
A change to the use of the building where the system is installed
New information available about risks or control measures
The results of checks indicating that control measures are no longer effective
A case of legionnaires disease.
As Schematics form a vital part of any Legionella management and control programme annual reviews are therefore recommended to ensure these measures are effective. Under certain conditions Legionella bacteria can double within 15 minutes which makes it important to review your report and monitoring records regularly.
When will I receive the Legionella schematic drawing?
Schematics are generally drawn within 1-4 hours and often sent at the same time as your legionella risk assessment together with any other documentation provided as part of the same service.
You will receive your legionella schematic drawing approximately between 2-10 working days from the date of the site visit or order. Under some circumstances this can take a little longer however we will advise you if we believe there may any significant delay to these times.
Whats included in the Legionella schematic?
A computerised drawing of your water system.
A key to demonstrate the assets within your schematic.
Report & Support
C&M Water will quality assess your report for distribution, typically within 2-10 days.
Relevant Legislation & Code of Practice
Health & Safety Executive Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8, “Legionnaires’ disease: The control of legionella bacteria in water systems”
Health & Safety Executive: HSG274 Legionnaires’ disease: Technical guidance Part 1: The control of legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems
Health & Safety Executive: HSG274 Legionnaires’ disease: Technical guidance Part 2: The control of legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems
Health & Safety Executive: HSG274 Legionnaires’ disease: Technical guidance Part 3: The control of legionella bacteria in other risk systems
Department of Health: Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 04-01: Safe water in healthcare premises
BS 8580:2010 “Water Quality – Risk assessments for Legionella control – Code of practice”
Your water system schematic will include all key assets such as tanks, cylinders, electric water heaters, dead legs and all other assets that form part of the scope of works agreed.
Outlets (taps, sinks, showers, baths) are indicated by supply lines appearing in the locations they are present. Outlets are not drawn individually as the schematic is designed to be a simple drawing of your water system that is easy to follow.
Toilets are not included within our schematics as they are a low risk for inhaling aerosol and typically do not require any remedial action.
Legionella water system schematics are drawn with computer aided software and delivered to you in a PDF format.
All of our engineers are fully qualified with City & Guilds training, they also hold certification in the water advisory regulations scheme, Pwtag ( The pool water treatment advisory group) and unvented systems, and can help assist you in meeting compliance today for HSE (ACoP L8), and provide landlords with guidance for hot and cold water low risk systems. so you can rest assured that you are working with a trusted water hygiene service provider who put health and safety first.
All our engineers are enhanced DBS Checked to ensure suitable people are entering your premises and to safeguard vulnerable people. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards within our industry.